Wednesday 7 November 2012


Weathers of the day: Cloudy, rainy, wet, windy
Moods of the day: Excited, high, worn out, fun, touching, amazing
Places of the day: Bedok interchange > East Coast Park
People who made my day: Abhi, Hui Qi, Hui Ting, Charlene, Sharyl, Lok Bin, Sharifah, Si Qi, Xin Xuan, Xin Yue, Zhao Jie, Charlie, Ismail, Uzair, Ryan, Matthew, Shoki, Jun Jie

So let me get started on this post while my memory for today is still fresh in my head.

I ran out of house at about 14 20 cause I didn't want to get caught in the heavy downpour. Ended up forgetting to bring the red velvet cupcake for SQ, huhu :-(

Met up with SQ and HT at Eunos MRT and headed to Bedok inter together. Got my 3 packets of films from SQ :-D (Thanks my dear for getting them for me, and HT for paying for me first!)

We reached Bedok at about 14 40 which was early, hm maybe too early haha. The rest arrived at about 14 50, 15 00, 15 15? We boarded bus 196 at about 15 45 and made our way to ECP! Got our double/single bikes and off we went! Initially, I was on a double bike with SQ. Ahhh first time on a double bike! But I couldn't manage it cause it was too shaky hahaha so I switched bikes with Lok Bin (hers was a single bike)! Oh but I swear, it was one of the best experiences I've ever had in cycling! It was so thrilling and fun and gaaaaah I don't know!! Not really exaggerating but the feeling was so amazing, maybe because it was my first time. The bike was tilting right and left and SQ kept laughing madly behind me hahahahah forever-not-in-the-right-mind SQ! After cycling for less than 10 minutes, all of us settled down at MacD! I was so thirsty that I ordered medium coke (but I didn't finish it sigh) Hahaha, we should've eaten before renting our bikes! Took polaroids yaaaaaay :-D

Left for Bedok jetty at about 17 10? Heh. Halfway there, I was thirsty, again. Hahahah! So I stopped at a bike shop to buy a bottle of mineral water while XY waited for me. But when I walked out, not only did I see XY standing there, I saw Ryan, Zhao Jie and some others waiting for me! Hahaha, I was actually touched by them cause I didn't expect them to wait for me! Thanks guys!! :')

Saw Mr Eddie Tan at Bedok jetty haha!! Spammed all the polaroid films there. Took group photos wheeee ♥ It was awesome. It was like more memories of 307 were formed there.

Some people kept teasing me and Shoki arg... Like making us stand together, take photos etc. Damn man, I hated it. Hah and I eventually reached my limit where "fuck" came into place LOL. But all was fine after awhile :-) Oh and did I mention that the ECP wind/breeze/moving air/whatever was damn strong?! Heh, damn cooling!

Hmmmm soooooo, we returned the bikes at 6++! Then we discussed where to go next, and it was Burger King ;-) As we walked, Sharifah suddenly had toe cramps!! *ouch* Uzair was so damn nice you know! He took out Sharifah's shoe and helped her to massage her toes!! It was really an unglam but sweet scene :') Haha and the guys offered to piggyback her cause she wasn't really able to walk properly. Nice guys from 307! :-P

At BK, while most of us were eating, some guys made fun of Jun Jie (I think), causing him to walk out of BK. Then, i-dont-know-who ran out to check on him, to see if he was alright, and the guys followed him! Soon after, one of them came back and told us that JJ was crying LOL. We were obviously shocked so all of us got out of BK as well. Ryan told us that JJ was behind BK so HT went to look for him. When JJ saw us, he pretended to cry. YES, PRETENDED. He couldn't help but let out a smirk. They. Were. Lying. HAH! And you could imagine what all of our reactions were like!

We chitchatted awhile outside BK before heading home. Gave HT, SQ, Uzair and Charlie goodbye hugs then left with Sharifah and Shoki for KC's bus stop :-) Had a really great talk with Shar hehe.

It was an awesome bonding day with 307. Hmmmmm, not everyone came but at least half of the class turned up for the outing, hehe! *throws confetti* Those who wasn't able to turn up etc please don't be sad or whatever cause we're definitely gonna have another class outing hehe :-) And many thanks to Uzair, the main organizer for today's class outing! *applause*

Now I'm dead beat. There's chem test tomorrow but I don't even think that I have the energy to even take my textbook out. But it's ok, it was all worth it. Ok loving today, thanks 307 ♥


Uzair :-D

A part of 307!

Our tour guide for the day!

HT smiling an awkward smile and Lok Bin posing an awkward pose ahahahaha

Ryan! ;-)

Mr Tan ~

The girls :-D

Sharyl and HT same pose eh!! 

I think my hair was hitting Charlie's face HAHA SORRY LBC

HT trying to photo bomb the boys hahah

Then I joined in wakakaka

Zhao Jie, Hui Qi, Ryan!

HT, HQ, Ryan!

Ryan and Sharyl!

Gaying HAHAH


Charlie piggybacking SQ!! Awwwwww :')

With Charlie hahahaha! ;-)

The table partners! xD

With 307's Class Managers! :-D

With Shoki! :-)

Beeeauuuutiful scene :')

Sharyl, Xin Xuan, LB, me and XY! :-D

Uzair massaging Sharifah's toe :')

HT camwhored with my phone!

Sharyl's fingers hahahaha

XX photo bomb haha!

Coolest polaroid ever :')

Korean dude going back to Korea next year :-(

Blur.... :-(

Blur... but at least everyone who went was inside :-D

The guys! Tsk Charlie why did you close your eyes?!

Hahah, taken by XY! ;-)

Sharifah S2

Photo of the day *insert infinite ♥s here*