Thursday 1 November 2012

Beauty and a beat

25 October

Posh :-D 

Mine ♥♥

Ruo Shan's!!

2012'S RESULTS. I've gotta buck up for O's. #determined

26 October

Gongcha ;-)

29 October 

Brothers & sisters of 3/7 ♥

My chem notes!! 

LE LE *inserts infinite hearts*

Sushi making with XY!!!

Made of candy!! It was suuuuuper sweet!

Dinner at XY's house :-)

XY wrapped that for me heheh

Wonder which dog poopooed in her room!!!!

30 October

Ummmmm, banana + mango milkshake! :-D

黑糯米 ♥


Always adorable, LE LE :')

And he started walking towards me...... (so blur!!)

Arg so ugly :-( aiya but still tastes good! 


Le Le lying on me hehe 

31 October

Took bus 43 with Palazzi :-D It was sooo epic and funny!!!! QPWOEIRUTYALSKDJZMXN. LEG JINX WTF HAHAHAH. Ok insane mode on. >') Nevermind, ignore me HAHA GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!!! :-D 

SQ the egg! :-D

HT baked this!! Not bad yo, not baddddd ;-)

Lunch with XY and Gab!! :-D

Beautiful bright moon ♥