Sunday 28 October 2012

I guess we never really moved on.

I overslept today :-( Tuition was 11AM @ Dover but XZ only woke me up at 10!! TIRED TO THE MAXIMUMMMMMMM. In the MRT, we saw a cute little boy!!! AHH *melts* Super cute!! Nothing can compare to his cuteness ahahahah, he made me laugh, he made my day ♥
Ummmmmm, reached home at 2+ and slept till 5+. Arg, today must have been one of the laziest days of my life.
& my sist found out that I lent my laptop to my friend OMG hahah. #hosehliao. I'M SO HUNGRY NOW. HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY. QWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAMNBVCXZ.