Monday 15 October 2012


YES. I WAS SO UPSET LAST NIGHT. :'( I'm not as upset as I was............. but I'm still 63.978% sad. You guys know the encrypted texts in my blog right? Try clicking on them now. A NEW BLANK WEBPAGE POPS OUT. TROOOLOLOL. SIGH. What's happening? :-( All the encrypted texts consist of the feelings that are deep deep deep down inside of my heart. And now it's like all of them just disappeared... My feelings... My memories... Everything that was supposed to be remembered. Whyyyyyyy why oh why didn't I write them down on paper. GOSH. Nobody can ever understand me. Nobody can ever understand my feelings.



Hmmmm, so I read my dear JY's blog :-) Her latest post is so relatable. Well, to me, at least.
andddddddddd I just realized that there's this dedications part in her blog. HOW SLOW CAN I BE. *facepalm* haha was really touched when I saw it, cause I didn't know that I was actually that important to that woman hehe.

"The person i love to tell my troubles to, she either cheer me up or emo with me!" HAHAHAHA AWWWWW JIA YI, AWWWWWW ♥

Speaking of touched, I was quite touched when I heard Sharifah said that I light up the class, or something like that. Hahahahah. As stated in my previous post, I said that I won't be going to school this morning, ahahahah! And yup, I went school in the afternoon to be over and done with IC registration! Most of the people who saw me were like "Eh why never come school?" HAHAHAH then I said "There, I'm here now. HAHAHA." Chatted with Sharifah since she sat behind me in the hall. She, too, asked me why I wasn't in school just now. After awhile, I then asked her, "awww you realized?" She was like "yeah yeah.... (blahblah I cannot remember) you sort of like light up the class..." heh :') really touched. T O U C H E D. Thanks shar, muax ahahahahah :')

After IC registration, I waited for about 1 hour for Jia Xuan and Wen Shan. GOSH I'M SO PATIENT AHAHAAHAH :-D Had KFC with them then ate ice cream!! The ice cream like damn cool only ehhhhh! JELLLLLLY. Must try!!!! Heheh.

Mama Seah's flying off to Bangkok tomorrow! She'll be back on Friday! *Sigh* I'll miss having someone behind my back when I sleep... (& yes, I sleep with her HAHA)

Oh and, I'm getting back my exam results tomorrow - Amath, Physics, English and Chinese. I'm not feeling scared/nervous/whatever yet... But I believe that I will start panicking tomorrow, maybe? HAHA. Is this what you call "Keep calm and panic later"? ;-)

Alright, shall head to my comfortable and oh-so-attractive bed soon!! I wanna get up early so that I can send my mum off at the airport! I used to whine/cry a lot when my mum goes oversea without me. HAHAH. But I'm pretty sure I won't this time heh.

Hope my mum will have a safe and pleasant trip!!
Hope my results won't turn out badly *prays hard*

To everybody whose gonna get their results soon/had already gotten back their results:
Don't fret, don't worry. What's done can't be undone. Just know that you've done your best. Even if you hadn't, just tell yourself that you will next time. Have faith yeah!