Tuesday, 21 August 2012

感动 x 感动 = 感动 ²


Blurrrrrrrrrrr. :-(

YES, AND THAT WAS HOW WE SPENT OUR MONDAY NIGHT TOGETHER. It was great. It was magnificent. It was fantastic. It was lovely. It was......... FULL OF FATS. HAHAHAHA. It was JY's 14th birthday! Shannon and I sang a birthday song for JY when she entered Seoul Garden! (Her eyes were covered by XZ, HAHA.) It was really awkward and embarrassing because everyone was staring, nobody sang along.... AND THERE WAS NO BACKGROUND MUSIC! But it was so sweet of us, right! :-P JY opened XZ's gift for her. When she read what I wrote for her inside the book (given by XZ), she turned to me and wanted to give me a kiss! I thought she only wanted to hug me! Thennnnnn, our positions were awkward, but funny. HAHAHAH. SHE KISSED MY EAR. TROLOLOL. Stayed at Seoul Garden for more than 2 hours. :-D XXYY 4ever. S2


LOL @ my table in class! Written by Uzair and unknown. LOL HAHA. 


Guess today was another great day. :-) My day started off with a sweet text message received from Shannon (awwwwww). Everything was fine....... except for the fact that my voice went hoarse. It was really terrible, horrible and unheardable (I don't even think that there's such word)! Had a discussion of what to eat for class picnic during FTCT. Everybody seemed so indecisive then Jun Jie (our class manager) was like, "Aiya, then we all eat grass la." HAHAHHAHA funny shitttt. Drank 5 tea spoons of cough syrup............. and felt like dying............ Hoping for a better tomorrow. Goodnight! :-)