Friday, 31 August 2012


This year's cross country was abit fail. LOL. It rained in the morning. Temasekians were to go back to school within an hour. SQ and I were dreeeeeenched. Took shelter under a HDB flat after awhile. Reached school at about 850? Hahaha. 307 was damn hyperrrrrr. ;-) Went to i12 with SQ and XY after school! :-) Anyway, Happy Teachers' Day! 

Cake from Awfully Chocolate ~

Sharifah is so sweet! :') Thanks shar! 

Uzair da jooooker :-D

Charlie and ZY gaying in class LOL

Zi Yuan :-)

Mr Sulaimaaaaaaaan :-)

With Ismail's blur face and Sulaiman's bitch-please face HAHAHA

Great bro ;-)

Miss Wong! 

Miss Chua!

Charlie ~

Uzair and SQ! Kinda photo bombed them! :-P

♥♥♥, where is our potato HT? :-(

Dear JY ♡



Hui Min :-D

Oh-so-cute Jezreel! :-D


I wish I'd picked up guitar when I was younger............... :-( 

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Beautiful chandeliers

These past few days;

26 August

Teacher said I looked very 阳光 that day! HAHAHAHHA, maybe because I wore a yellow top? Hehe. Her house has this really nice chandelier. :') Studied Chemistry in the night! Oh, and I looooove chandeliers. S2


27 August

Another oh-so-lovely sun in the morning! Shannon passed me Strepsils in the morning (Thanks babe)! Was supposed to have Chemistry test, but it was postponed because Miss Chua didn't have enough scripts! WAHAHHA, an extra day to study Chem! :-) Had Art after recess and went to Parkway with XZ and JY after school ~

17/20! :-D

16/20! ;-)

Had to 'fight' for consultation slots. Wrote 'X' for both numbers 4 and 5 to chop the slots :-P The scene was really epic.

When XY got bored in Art class HAHA

28 August

Had Chem test today! Hope I can at least pass the paper.................

Ohhh guess whoooooo ~

To be honest, it didn't taste good............. :-(

SQ's iPhone! MEGA AWWWWW, HT, XY and I are her favs! :')

Wrote motivational quotes while studying SS~

29 August

Had Chinese Prelims Paper 2 today. It was quite difficult. :-( Bought egg tarts after school! YUMMMMMMMMMZ.

30 August

I like Chemistry practicals :-D Had Chinese Prelims Paper 1! Chose questions 1 and 5. Hoping for the best now. *prays* Oh anyway............... OMFG, guess what? I reached home at about 1635........ Then I slept from 5 all the way till 10+ :-( SIGH. Woke up with a growling stomach because I skipped dinner. :-( My mum and all said that they'd tried to wake me up. BUT OBVIOUSLY THEY FAILED TO. Gaaaaaah, ended up eating Maggi! Tsk, but it's okay, it still managed to satisfy my hunger. ;-)

Best blue! ;-)