Tuesday, 26 June 2012

This night is flawless, don't you let it go

ALOHA. My phone's back to normal without resetting it. ALL THANKS TO MY DEAR LEE RUO SHAN. I don't know what she did, but when she took my phone, and slid open the screen,  it unlocked. *Ruo Shan has magic fingers, LOL. I was like,

the omg-how-did-you-do-that face. 

Really, it kind of made my day because I don't have to make a trip down to a Samsung shop. :')

My phone's wallpaper. :') It makes me smile. (NOT PEDO OKAY) I didn't know it was Taemin until one of my juniors told me! I set it as wallpaper because he looks hot ;-) 

A picture taken by Yin Ling using my phone. Everybody looks so unglam in this picture, especially Hui Yee! Hahahahaha. Today's the first CCA day of Term 3. We had a sectional lunch at Pizza Hut. Shannon and I bonded with the Secondary 1s. ;-) CCA started at 230, but at 232, we were still eating! After eating, we walked towards the bus-stop. Shannon, Hui Yee and I went to get Starbucks along the way. Hui Yee bought I-don't-know-what. Shannon and I shared Green Tea Mocha. :-) Had a heart-to-heart talk with Shannon today. Heheh. :') Ending today's post with part of a song's lyrics.

"There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity
Shifiting eyes and vancancy vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

Your eyes whispered, "have we met?"
Across the room, your silhouette starts to make it's way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you"

 Enchanted - Taylor Swift